Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 1 of 4 without Perez Hilton

One of my favorite websites to visit (multiple times a day) is Perez Hilton's celebrity gossip blog. I can't help but read it numerous times a day. It's often vulgar and usually mean but always amusing and hilarious. It's the way I keep connected with the outside world...the world of celebrities. It seems vapid and stupid for me to constantly check what's going on in the lives of celebrities like Tiger Woods and Lindsay Lohan, but it's an addiction. More than that, it's an escape. Instead of worrying about what's going on with my friends who are away from home for the first time at college--some making terrible decisions--or about my family--who should have a reality TV show made about them because they're so dysfunctional, I choose to concentrate on the lives of celebrities. Sure, most of the time it's watching their demise and observing them in their natural habitat like gorillas in a zoo, but it's a guilty pleasure.

Being that I visit the site so often, I decided that it would be the perfect thing to give up for four days...little did I know. So far, I feel so removed from the world of pop culture and the lives of my favorite and even least favorite celebrities (Miley Cyrus!). I'm going through some serious withdrawal. However, it has forced me to focus on more important homework...and less important things like Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew and True Life: I'm in a Love Triangle to keep myself occupied. And now, as I sit watching the Opening Ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Canada, I feel like I actually did something with my day other than sitting in front of the computer screen and reading pages and pages of the gossip and libel that is plastered on Perez Hilton's website. I went out to lunch with my father and had some father-daughter time and I did some homework and I went to the movies and out to dinner with my friend. I focused a little more on my own life and a little less on the latest news about Tiger Woods and his wife trying to work things out. I still miss if he's my friend or something that's gone on vacation and that is out of cell service range. But alas, I shall soldier on...

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, Perez is one net addiction I don't have! haha, but I'm wishing you luck as well =] Don't get to hooked on those shows as a substitute though!

    - Nhya
